That’s me, at the Rogers Centre in Toronto – which is, let it be known, a stadium – with a spotlight on me, and a microphone. And a tutu, of course. And a toddler, who couldn’t understand why Mommy got to stand right at the ice in the spotlight and he didn’t, because, seriously, if anyone is going to address the crowd in the stadium and maybe drop some chocolate nibs at the rink edge it should be him, so.
(The show – Disney On Ice Presents Toy Story 3 – is running all this week in Toronto, and a portion of proceeds – use the code TANNER – are going to Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy in Tanner’s name. Please come. You don’t even have to wear a tutu, or eat chocolate ice cream nibs. YOU COULD EAT HOT DOGS. And if you’re not in Toronto, you could just go ahead and make a donation to Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy, because they’d like that. Or do none of the above – that’s totally fine, too, because we don’t all have the same causes and missions – but whatever you do, or don’t do, hug your kids and love on them and on anybody and everybody who you cherish, and let that be your good. SPREAD GOOD, LIKE BUTTER.)