That’s what they say, anyway. If it’s true, then I should be doubly good on the re-energizing front, given that I’ve both taken a good long rest from blogging and changed up my website.
I’ve only blogged very sporadically over the last, oh, four years or so. I was distracted, as you probably know, by climbing the corporate ladder at the Walt Disney Company, and also usually exhausted, but I was also becoming more private. I just didn’t feel like telling the behind-the-scenes stories of what that life was like. That I also really couldn’t tell those stories even if I wanted to is beside the point – I didn’t want to. (Maybe I’ll tell them now. Stay tuned for “How The Walt Disney Company Turned Me [Back] Into A Radical Feminist,’ coming someday.)
But I missed writing. A lot. And not just the kind of quote-unquote professional writing that I was still called upon to do (Babble posts here, book proposals there, corporate jargon everywhere). This kind of writing. Personal storytelling. Blogging. So I decided to start it up again. It’s not as though I have more time for it – I left Disney to start my own company, and it’s no small thing to run a company, never mind the one or two big exciting passion projects that get my heart pounding, hard, every day – but what I do have is more will. I’m tired of laying in bed composing posts and articles in my head. I need to get them out of my head, and into the world.
I kinda don’t care if nobody reads them. Well, maybe I do. (I totally do.) What I don’t care about is building my fucking brand. I used to care about that, but then I got the recognition and the money and the bizarre hard-turn on a career that took me to New York and then Los Angeles, and although I’m tremendously grateful that my life took those turns (#blessed) and wouldn’t change a thing about it, I did discover along the way that some of the things that I’d thought I’d wanted weren’t as awesome as I thought they’d be. And I developed ideas and issues about the Internet and the media marketplace and the quote-unquote mom space that I internalized and that started keeping me up at night and blah blah blah something to write about, someday.
Anyway. Long story short, I missed writing. That’s all I want to do here again, really. So I spruced the place up a bit (well, paid someone else to do it); nothing fancy, but cleaner. Less green. I thought about changing the name (all that stuff about not caring about brand-building, baggage around ‘mommy blogging,’ etc), but then decided against, for reasons that I may or may not get around to writing about. So it’s still Her Bad Mother, and yes, I will probably still overshare about my kids sometimes, but this time it will only be with their permission, and it won’t be published against a green background, which is the important thing, really.
So, here it is. The almost new and design-improved Her Bad Mother. It’s still undergoing some tweaks and finishings, so consider it a work-in-progress. Just like everything else, really.
I hope you like it.
(Sarah, my designer, is amazing. You should hire her.)