I wrote this post two days ago, when the world seemed very slightly less dark, and then - as the moon moved directly in front of the sun and blocked its light - decided...
I think that I've said it here before, but I'll say it again: I'm exhausted. I'm going to say more about it right now, so if the topic of my slow spiral into sleep-deprived...
We have a discipline problem in our house, by which I mean to say: discipline, we have none.We try, we really do. We bargain, we barter, we cajole, we threaten. We will bake cookies,...
When I was seven years old, my family went to Disneyland. My father took a few weeks' holiday from work, and we set off in a camper van down the Pacific coast from Vancouver,...
Emilia is three, and although this is her third Christmas, it is the first that she fully appreciates in all of its indulgent, commercial glory. Last year, when she had just turned two, it...
Because Sunday morning is always better with music, doctor and, also, without pants:Sunday Morning Music Show: Rock Out With Me from Catherine Connors on Vimeo....
My child is a junkie.It started innocently enough. A little hit now and then, at parties. It couldn't hurt, I reasoned, and besides, all the other kids were doing it. The buzz they enjoyed...
Me: Why are you naked?Her: Because I need to go to the potty.Me: Why, then, are you just standing on the stairs?Her: Because the toilet makes my bum cold...
The girl-child has impeccable manners. She's all please and thank you and may I and I'm sorry and oh, excuse me and it's entirely disarming. She can be in the middle of a nuclear-scale...