… the body electric.
Also, she loves New York. Too bad that Her Bad Mother is only going to Kentucky.
I’m so sorry for being such a bad blog-citizen (blogizen?) this past week or so. What with preparations for this weekend’s conference and stacks and stacks of undergraduate political philosophy papers to mark and planning some super cool surprises (secret!) and working on some super faboo projects, I’ve had, like, no time to visit you all. But I’ll make up for it next week.
I will also, next week, fill you in on the fantasticness that no doubt was our panel on mommyblogging. (Also, I will report on whether I was able to resist tackling Joy to the floor upon our first meeting.) Remember, if you’ve done a post about mommyblogging and what it means to you (and/or answered the questions that I posed in this post the other week), leave me a link so that we can consult you as an expert during our panel, and give you (linky) credit next week when we report back. Need inspiration? Check out Mad Hatter’s epic series of meta-posts on mommy-blogging, or any of the prattle on BlogRhet.
Also, I need book recommendations. I’ve got some fourteen plus hours of round-trip air-travel time what with stopovers (Louisville ain’t no direct flight, y’all) and I can’t spend all of it marking papers on Machiavelli and Hobbes. (I am, as it happens, in the Super Coolest Book Club EVER, but the books that are currently under discussion are not my bag.)
(Contemporary lit, please. I’ve read everything worth reading prior to the 20th century.)
(I’m joking about that. Sort of.)