Hey, I might be an aging pregnant woman who is totally run aground by her toddler, but still. I likes me my shoes some lots. Which is why when Guy Kawasaki recommended this spectacular object, I was all over it. Like, that very minute. Clicked the links, located a local source, hied me hence to purchase and then dragged it home for immediate enjoyment.
Whereupon Wonderbaby immediately used it to jail Dora, who has really been rousing the rabble lately and needed to be contained.
But it’s actually for shoes. My shoes. Mah preshuss shoes…
And I’ve only put, like, a fraction of my collection in there. Can see them all! Can get at them all! Which, is irrelevant, given that my fat preggo feet don’t fit them, but still! MAH SHOES! Have broken free from their back closet shoe-box lair and are now ART.
What can I say? LOVE.
Thanks so much to everyone who put in their two cents about daycare vs. preschool vs. Montessori. Really, just so tremendously helpful. Enough to help us decide that the Montessori we visited might NOT be the one for Wonderbaby.
You all rock. But you knew that.