It’s been five years since I started inviting people down to the Basement. The beanbag chairs are well-indented and crunchy with cookie crumbs and there are tumbler rings from sweaty rum and cokes on the side tables. Pillows have been tossed on the floor for curling up.
There has been much story-telling and advice-seeking and support-giving and hug-dispensing, and the guests who have been sharing their stories have really felt the love. You all are wonderful friends, the kind of friends that one knows she can turn to when things are dark or rough or confusing or embarassing or all of the above. The kind of friends who will laugh heartily at a dirty joke and then whip out a hanky to dab away the mascara streaked by unexpected tears.
You might have noticed that we’ve switched rooms down here. That room where we were before, over there, just wasn’t big enough for all of us. Our stories still live there – you can still go visit them – but from now on we’ll be doing our storytelling here. Want to join us?