Posted by Jason.
People are vertical. Tall buildings are vertical. Vases full of flowers are vertical.
And yet, 90% of your photos are horizontal. Sure, I just made that statistic up, but if you’re anything like every other person with a point-and-shoot camera, you’re taught that horizontal is just about the only way to take a picture.
If you’re only shooting horizontally, you’re missing half the great photos you should be taking. Shooting vertically gives you a whole different perspective on things. It forces you to think creatively by not putting every single part that landscape in the shot. It challenges you to crop faces when taking a picture of a person. All you need to do is turn your camera and watch the magic unfold.
Take two photos of every person.
If I’m taking a portrait, I’m sure to tell my subject I’m going to do two shots – one vertical and one horizontal.
Get crazy with the headroom.
This is one of my favourite tricks – add a whole bunch of headroom overtop of your subject. It’s great when shooting in gyms or at awards ceremonies because you often have a great big curtained backdrop to work with.
Resist the urge to go horizontal.
Cameras are built to make you think about taking every picture horizontally. Challenge yourself. Try shooting every picture with a vertical look – even the ones of horizontal things. You’ll surprise yourself and your photos will look memorable.
Oh, hey! FRAME ONE IS GIVING AWAY A SHINY, SHINY NEW CAMERA. “Like” Frame One on Facebook and you’re entered into the draw for a Canon S95 camera.