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5 May

What Makes A Superhero?

what makes a superhero

Here’s what happens on the Internet every spring, in the weeks before Mother’s Day: a torrent of gift guides, cupcake-and-peony saturated Pinterest boards, and hit-you-in-the-feels video messages designed to make you feel maximally guilty about whatever it is that you are or not doing for your own mother (and/or expecting your own ungrateful family to do for you.) I usually try to stay out of it all.*

But then this video made its way to me and I changed my mind. Go ahead, watch it. I promise you that it’s truly lovely, and well worth watching.

It’s the story of Camellia and Cammie. I’m not going to give you the details, because I want you to watch the video, but suffice to say that it’s a story that will make your heart feel a little bigger and little squooshier (Cammie’s contribution is particularly heart-squooshing, seriously.)

But it’s not just because their story is so lovely. It’s that it demonstrates something that we too often forget, as parents and caregivers: that every moment of engagement with our children is golden. Better than golden: priceless. The time that we spent with our children – really spend with them, talking and playing and helping and laughing and making and imagining and exploring and being – enriches them immeasurably. It makes their brains grow, and it makes their spirits grow. It’s practically magic, except that it isn’t – it’s science. We know that it works. And kids know that it works. That why they think we’re superheroes.

And we are. We’re doing this epic, world-changing work of empowering the citizens of the future, every single day. And although the work of caring for children can feel really, super hard some days (every day), it’s not complicated. The magic-science, superpower-y part, where we help their brains and spirits grow? That’s not complicated at all. As Cammie makes powerfully, delightfully clear (WATCH THE VIDEO).

Anyway. This is, I think, a very good message for Mothers’ Day – and for Fathers’ Day, and Grandparents’ Day, and every day. And it’s not just a message – it’s work that Vroom, an initiative of The Bezos Family Foundation, is doing, every day, to support caregivers in being superheroes, and cheering them on. Which I love, love, love, love, and why I broke my Don’t Internet Mothers’ Day rule, just this once.

It was worth it.

*(True Confession: I did try to make a Mother’s Day Pinterest board just to see if I could get into it, and to maybe give my husband some ideas, because look, I’m only human and I want some adoration on Mother’s Day too. But I abandoned it after about 7 pins. Yes, there were peonies. No cupcakes. Maybe macarons. A lot of pink things. So sue me.)

This post supports and is sponsored by Vroom, an initiative of The Bezos Family Foundation.