No baby. Lost rocked, though, so, hey, there was that.
Spent the better part of today at hospital while doctors fussed over size of baby and fact of ongoing contractions that seem to go nowhere. The baby? IS HUGE. Well over nine pounds now and measuring off the chart for length and head size and everything size and very near to the point where they automatically recommend c-section. My doctor, however, is very anti-c-section unless absolutely medically necessary so there was consultation after consultation with other doctors and OBs about whether the fact that my body has been preparing itself slooowly for ‘natural’ labor is reason enough to wait some more days.
They decided that it is. Wait.
I cried.
Which, embarassing, but still. CANNOT do this. Need this baby out. And would strongly prefer that the ‘getting out’ not involve my nether regions being torn to shreds by a gargantuan head and general fetal massivosity.
I’m now exhausted and in pain and terrified of staying pregnant while this baby grows and grows and becomes too big to fit out my hoo-ha. And the castor oil? Has done nothing as yet. (Although, for the record? Mixed with a cocktail of cream soda and root beer – don’t ask – it doesn’t taste all that bad.) NOTHING.
So. Having tried pretty much everything – seriously – that there is to try, all that’s left is praying.
Am praying.