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2 Mar

In today’s headlines…

A random sampling of current events chez Baby…

The Good News:

1) Mommy’s first foray back into her pre-mommy world was, despite the anticipatory angst, just fine. Felt GOOD, in fact. (The post-labour holes in the brain are not so big that whole books have fallen through! Mommy retains her intelligence! Can speak whole sentences! Huzzah!) The jaws of the students were not entirely slack! There may have been – MAY HAVE BEEN – actual learning! Exclamation points were abused!

2) Baby’s rocking a new look that we here at chez Baby think is very exciting…


That’s worth seeing again, I think…


The Mixed News:

1.a) While Mommy was away, Baby thrived in the care of her auntie and cousins, with whom she had much, much, much fun.

1.b) So much fun, that she barely noticed when Mommy walked back in the door that evening. Oh, is that you, Mommy? Have you met these SUPER FUN GIRLS? No, no, no booby for me thanks – I’m BUSY…

2.a) Baby laughed out loud for the first time!

2.b) While Mommy was away.*

*note on 2b – this is so traumatic (ohmigod the gods they punish me and they laugh) that all I can do is note it as a news line. Expect a rant at a later date when I have calmed down enough to rant.

The Bad News:

1.) The swaddle busting has reached a whole new level. Both arms, both legs, Miracle (ha) Blanket fully undone.
