Part II of Mêtêr Politikon will go up tomorrow (Sunday), after I have made my guy a really nice breakfast and then passed the child off to him. Catch up here.
Tonight, we interrupt regularly scheduled blogging for a Very Special Father’s Day post…
Who I love beyond measure. To whom I am oh so grateful – for us, for her, for this family, for this life. For love.
I love every inch, every ounce, every breath, every moment of you. From baby to boy to man to father and beyond, I have loved do love and ever will love you.
Beautiful son (eternal gratitude to your father, for, with your mother, raising such a son)
Beautiful boy (with, already, a glimmer of the man)
Beautiful father (your heart now beats outside your chest)
Beautiful heart
My Dad.
Who was and is the first man in my life. Who has and will always have my heart. Who I love forever.
Who has always given me his heart
Whose heart I have always and will always cherish
Whose heart she will always cherish.
I love you both, best of men. We love you both. Always.